PhD defence: Kei Endo

Toward Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Developing Southeast Asian Countries: Focusing on finance and governance perspectives

On Friday, the 6th of September 2024, Kei Endo will defend his PhD dissertation entitled "Toward Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Developing Southeast Asian Countries: Focusing on Finance and Governance Perspectives."

Friday 6 Sep 2024, 10:30 - 12:00
PhD defence
Spoken Language
Senate Hall
Erasmus Building
Campus Woudestein
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More about his research

The concept of sustainable infrastructure has recently become popular in the field of infrastructure development. There have been a growing number of studies on sustainable infrastructure, however there remains limited comprehensive knowledge on the critical factors enabling sustainable infrastructure development. Specifically, no study has reviewed the enabling factors focusing on finance and governance aspects, despite them being imperative for realizing sustainable infrastructure development and technical solutions. Another significant research gap is that there is limited evidence on and understanding of how the financial arrangements and governance arrangements operate to realize sustainability in infrastructure projects in developing Southeast Asian countries. To address these research gaps, the research aims to deepen understanding of financial and governance enabling factors for sustainable infrastructure development through an extensive literature review and then to investigate how they operate to realize sustainable infrastructure by analyzing real infrastructure project case studies in developing Southeast Asian countries.

More about Kei

  • Supervisor: prof. dr. Edelenbos, J
  • Co-supervisor: dr. Gianoli, A

Join Kei's PhD defence to hear more about his research.  

  • Date: 6th September, 10:30
  • Place: Woudestein Campus, Erasmus Building, Senaatszaal

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