As a training and capacity building institute at its core, IHS is keen to co-create and disseminate knowledge that supports urban communities in addressing challenges posed by the pandemic. In this context, we are developing a case study protocol which aims to describe the reaction of people and institutions, challenges and impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on governance in various cities. The questionnaire is available below. Please support this research by filling in the survey here.
Also below, you will see more Covid-19-related research initiatives IHS is involved in. As a part of Vital Cities and Citizens, IHS conducts research on how Rotterdam and its citizens can recover from the crisis, learn and thrive. The project team works on preparing policy briefs, two of which you can already access on the dedicated page. The team will also be providing advice and feedback on policy recommendations; and conducting case studies in Rotterdam and elsewhere, which will inspire policies in Rotterdam. Read more below.
Impact Study of Covid-19 on Rotterdam and its citizens
Research project by the City of Rotterdam and Vital Cities and Citizens Erasmus Initiative

How can we optimise the worldwide exchange and sharing of urban knowledge?

Staying loyal to our mission of developing human and institutional capacities, to reduce poverty and improve the quality of life in cities, we decided to put together a few online resources on Covid-19, that might be useful to those trying to alleviate the impact of this virus. The impact of the current Covid-19 pandemic on the cities around the world particularly affects the urban poor, who are most vulnerable to the devastating effect of this virus.
These resources might serve stakeholders in charge of mitigating the effects of this crisis to make informed decisions on how to try and combat Covid-19 in situ, irrespective of the obvious limitations some countries will face in terms of the resources available to them.
Websites & Blogs
Here you will find an overview of websites and blogs offering resources on Covid-19

Reports & Working Papers
This is an overview of reports and working papers addressing the topic of Covid-19

Journal Articles
Here you can find an extensive overview of journal articles on Covid-19

Videos & training
Here you can find a few videos and training resources on Covid-19

Call for support for communities in India affected by covid-19
Migrant workers from Pune, Ahmedabad and Chennai need help to cope with the effects of the pandemic
Call for support for communities in Brazil affected by Covid-19
People from the Amazon in resettlement areas need urgent support during this crisis.
Cover photo by Kate Trifo on Unsplash