PhD defence: Mohamed Nada

The Politics and Governance of Implementing Urban Expansion Policies in Egyptian Cities

On Wednesday, the 19th of June 2024, Mohamed Nada will defend his PhD dissertation entitled "The Politics and Governance of Implementing Urban Expansion Policies in Egyptian Cities."

Wednesday 19 Jun 2024, 13:00 - 15:30
PhD defence
Spoken Language
Senate Hall
Erasmus Building
Campus Woudestein
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More about his research

In his thesis, Mohamed aims to assess the factors that affect the implementation of urban expansion policies in the developing world. A theoretical framework was developed using the new institutionalist perspective, drawing on key components of the actor-centred institutionalism framework developed by Scharpf (1997) and key elements drawn from the rounds model, the streams model, the multi-level governance framework, and complexity theory. 

Two Egyptian cities, Banha and Qena, were selected as case studies to explore the implementation of five policy instruments between the years 2007 and 2022. They are the urban growth boundary, detailed plan, land readjustment, land subdivision, and betterment levy. Implementation of these instruments was assessed as ranging from slightly diverging to fully diverging as they were situated within complex multi-actor arrangements, and their implementation requires the engagement of different state and non-state actors who reside at different levels. 

Actors' capacity and orientations were seen as critical variables affecting policy divergence. They were seen as changing in different periods because of changes in the institutional setting and the wider policy environment. Clarity of the formal institutions was also viewed as critical, and policy divergence was seen as more likely to occur when formal and informal institutions were not complementary to each other. Government fragmentation and centralization were noted to limit local government capacity and to hinder horizontal coordination and engagement of various actors. The thesis concludes with several practical insights and recommendations for implementing urban expansion policies in the developing world.

More about Mohamed

  • Supervisor: Jurian Edelenbos
  • Co-supervisor: Peter Scholten

Join Mohamed's PhD defence to hear more about his research.  

  • Date: 19th June, 13:00
  • Place: Woudestein Campus, Erasmus Building, Senaatszaal

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