On Friday 12 June 2020, Poeti Nazura Gulfira Akbar will defend her PhD dissertation, entitled: ‘Place-Making in Urban Informal Settlements. A Case of Indonesian Kampungs’.
Due to the Covid-19 measures, this defence will take place online. The link to attend the event will be shared a few days in advance.
During the last years, Poeti conducted her research about the understanding of place-making implications in a broader context by focusing on its implementation in the context of a developing Asian country – with specific concern on Indonesian kampungs (or translated as urban informal settlements).
As discovered from the two kampung cases, her study provides evidence that place-making can bring positive impacts to communities in deprived neighborhoods in developing countries.
The study also envisages kampung from a different angle; beyond informal or low-income settlements and as a continuous transformative place where the local communities are the main agents of change that constantly functioning to remake their kampungs as a livable place to live in.
Join Poeti's defence to hear more about the research.