In this article, we share the new collaborative research relationship between two UNIC partners - Erasmus University Rotterdam and University College Cork. This project will harness the expertise of professionals from diverse fields, facilitating the exchange of knowledge and creating innovative solutions. Read on to learn more about the collaboration's objectives and the role of IHS.
About the project
Cities face multifaceted challenges in the global climate transition, showing diverse characteristics, overlapping identities, risks of exacerbating existing socio – economic inequalities, and complex governance landscapes. Understanding the distributional politics of adaptive interventions requires focusing on the financing and governance of climate-adaptive initiatives within cities.
To tackle this issue Erasmus University Rotterdam (represented by the Erasmus School of Law and IHS) and University College Cork have embarked on a collaborative research initiative, Financing a Just Transition for Cities - Mandate, Materiality, Morality, and Moxie (FJTC – 4M), to address the complex challenges cities face in achieving a transition to a sustainable future.

Over a 12-month period, this collaborative research project brings together expertise from Law and Governance, Geography, Urban Studies and Community Development, and Philosophy and Ethics. Through this interdisciplinary collaboration, it aims to generate fresh insights into the governance, financial, and material aspects of Financing a Just Transition for Cities.
What are the expected results of the project?
The expected outcomes of this collaborative initiative, which aligns with UNIC's vision and explores new dimensions in the 'Green Cities and Sustainability' theme, include:
- Interdisciplinary insights through research methodology meetings, Works-in-Progress workshops, an online dissemination seminar, and subsequent publications
- Development of a strategy and plan of action to identify and pursue research projects at national, regional, and international levels
- Exploration of innovative approaches to engaged research and education, such as the potential development of a Just Transition City Walking Tour in collaboration with community partners.
Advancing Sustainable Cities with SDG 11
The project is closely aligned with Sustainable Development Goal 11, which focuses on creating sustainable cities and communities. SDG 11 aims to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. It emphasizes the need for affordable and sustainable housing, accessible and efficient transportation systems, inclusive and green public spaces, and improved urban planning and management. By undertaking these projects, IHS actively contributes to realizing SDG 11 by implementing strategies and initiatives that promote development, enhance livability, and ensure long-term sustainability in cities and communities.
The role of IHS

In support of this collaboration, IHS will be represented by General Director David Dodman. David is an experienced organizational leader, with a strong focus on applied research and impact. He has been a Coordinating Lead Author in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), has played a leading role in international and collaborative research programs, and has advised a wide range of governments and international organizations.