Urban heritage and economic development in Indonesia, an IHS training

A tailor-made-training organised by IHS in collaboration with Pusat Dokumentasi Arsitektur (PDA) took place in Kota Tua, Jakarta from 18 to 29 January 2021. The course on heritage and economic development was the first part of the training, held remotely online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Part 2 is expected to take place later in 2021, depending on the COVID-19 circumstances.

Aim of the training

The project is funded through Nuffic Neso Indonesia’s StuNed programme and is aimed at training the staff of Pusat Dokumentasi Arsitektur (‘Centre for Architectural Documentation’) and its partner organizations and institutes on new strategic planning tools integrating urban planning, heritage management, sustainable entrepreneurship and inclusive development. Apart from at PDA, the 20 participants work in national and local government, NGOs, educational institutes and heritage organizations throughout Indonesia.

The approach of the training was to link theory to practice and define the first steps for an urban heritage management manual in which the knowledge acquired is locally replicable and disseminated to all municipalities hosting heritage cities throughout Indonesia. To focus the training, the historical inner city of Jakarta, Kota Tua, has been selected as case study area.

The training was divided into four concise modules:

  • Urban heritage management and sustainability
  • Economics of heritage
  • Assessing the impact of cultural heritage development
  • Managing inclusive change

Training outputs included:

  • Final group presentations based on the Action Planning methodology
  • The awarding of a post-graduate certificate to participants who successfully complete the training
  • The first building blocks of a manual for inclusive urban heritage management for Indonesian heritage cities
Zoom call screenshot
The new pandemic reality: Zoom calls

Long-term objectives

  1. Improved job performance: The efficiency and effectiveness of job performance at PDA and its partner organizations and institutes in terms of identifying urban heritage management challenges, and tools on how to address them, as well as coordinating, implementing and managing of projects, processes and procedures.
  1. Development of an urban heritage management manual: The long-term (one year) objective of the training is the development of urban heritage management guidelines for heritage cities in Indonesia, assembled within a manual. This manual is to include several case studies, best practices, lessons learnt from previous heritage management projects and specific guidelines for the development of new businesses of young entrepreneurs making use of the unique characteristics of heritage areas.
  1. Improved cooperation: Better cooperation and synergy amongst PDA and its partner organizations and institutes, as well as among stakeholders in Indonesian heritage cities to jointly create conditions for the sustainable and inclusive development of these heritage cities.

Part 1. Online 18-29 January 2021

Part 1 of the training took place in online learning environment Canvas, which is used by IHS, Erasmus University Rotterdam and many other educational institutions worldwide. The structure of this part was made up of daily pre-recorded lectures, individual assignments and live discussions with the lecturers. The individual assignments included reflections on the lectures’ content and a mapping exercise.

Part 2. Online, hybrid or on site, 2021 (TBC)

Prior to part 2 of the training, the participants will be required to make a number of homework assignments as preparation. This part of the training has a focus on group assignment and field work. The participants will use action planning tools to draft an action plan for the training’s case study area, Kota Tua. They will do additional mapping exercises in the case study area, meet with local stakeholders and visit several redeveloped heritage buildings and local businesses. After the training is finished, the organizing team will draft the manual for inclusive urban heritage management, based on the training’s outputs.

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