Nepal Switch-Asia Projects: I & II

Sao Paolo, Urban Management

The capacity building SWITCH-Asia project I and II for Nepal was part of the IHS/EUR thematic area called Green Cities and Infrastructure coordinated by Dr Ogenis Brilhante. The Green Cities & Infrastructure thematic area is now part of the Urban Sustainability and Climate Change Resilience Department. This department includes the Infrastructure and Smart Cities Master track of our MSc in Urban Management & Development and the three weeks course on Green Cities for Eco-Efficiency.

SWITCH Asia is the initiative of the European Union (EU) promoting sustainable consumption and production in Asia. Under this call, non-state actors are encouraged to support the developing countries in Asia to promote sustainable economic growth.

The SWITCH-Asia project I for Nepal called “ Green Homes or Sustainable Housing” started in 2013 and was concluded in 2015. Nepal Un-Habitat locally implemented the project in collaboration with the Ministry of Urban Development, Department of Urban Development and Building Construction of Government of Nepal and three selected municipalities (Kathmandu, Pokhara and Daran. IHS/EUR is the European partner of the project, and Dr Ogenis Brilhante is the project manager.

 The SWITCH-ASIA project II called “ Need for Sustainable Tourism and Green Growth for Heritage Settlements in Nepal” was recently approved by the EU to be implemented by UN-Habitat Nepal, local partners and IHS. Dr Ogenis Brilhane is also the coordinator of this new project at IHS.

Reports and research results produced in the Switch-Asia  project I