Urban Management Tools for Climate Change

General information

Duration2 weeks
DatesOnsite: 19 – 30 January 2026
Tuition fee€ 4,050*
Academic deadline for MSP applicants11 May 2025
IHS general application deadline (if no visa or scholarship application involved)31 December 2025
Admissions informationRequirements and application procedure
Course information and questionsadmission@ihs.nl
Abbreviation codeUMTCC 2026
Course coordinatorSomesh Sharma 

* Please note that for EU participants, the VAT of 21% will apply. The tuition fee stated above excludes the VAT.


IHS alumni who have completed an IHS Master, PhD trajectory or any of our short courses qualify for a 50% tuition fee waiver on the January 2026 edition of the UMTCC course. This discount cannot be combined with other discounts.

Employer organisations sending more than 2 participants qualify for a 40% tuition fee waiver.

What will I learn?

How do we analyse low-carbon and climate-resilient urban development options, and how do we strategically decide which ones to include in climate action plans? What opportunities do cities have, and which challenges do cities face with mainstreaming climate change policies and actions into existing plans? Cities play an essential role in adapting to climate change. They are increasingly expected to undertake actions to adapt to sea-level rise, floods, droughts, and other natural disasters exacerbated by climate change and climate variability. Mapping the most at-risk areas of a city with relevant stakeholders is fundamental to understanding how to reduce a city’s vulnerability. Cities are also expected to follow a low-carbon development path, which cuts across sectors and planning practices. Participants will acquire knowledge and skills on how to perform vulnerability assessments of cities. They will be introduced to specific tools and adaptation and mitigation actions that deal with climate change.

How will I learn?

Urban Management Tools for Climate Change (UMTCC) shares extensive knowledge of climate change adaptation, resilience, and low-carbon development through lectures, case studies, group discussions, games, and field visits. At the end of the course, participants will analyse and evaluate detailed assessment reports of various case studies. They will develop a local climate change action plan for a specific city. You will learn how to enhance urban climate resilience and low carbon development in the practice of urban management.

Rotterdam is considered as one of the frontrunner cities concerning climate adaptation and resilience to climate-induced disasters. The course will look at the Rotterdam Climate Initiative and Rotterdam Climate Proof Programmes, including a range of innovative plans and actions such as the Maeslantkering storm surge barrier and Dakakker, the first large harvestable green roof developed in the Netherlands.

Am I suitable for this training course?

If you are a professional working or intend to work on urban climate change-related issues, you are suitable for this course.

Please check our admission requirements to ensure you meet the minimum requirements for the course.


The course is offered in collaboration with the UN-Habitat.

CLIMACT Prio tool & Climate tech wiki

The Climate Actions Prioritisation (CLIMACT Prio) tool, developed by IHS, is a climate decision support and capacity building tool for prioritising and assessing climate mitigation and/or adaptation actions at a local level. Climate Tech-Wiki offers detailed information on a broad set of mitigation and adaptation technologies and actions within the wider context of low emission and low vulnerability development. Participants will have the chance to use the CLIMACT Prio tool and Climate Tech-wiki database in combination with different materials and case studies from the Cities in Climate Change Initiative (CCCI) programme of UN-Habitat.

How to apply

If you would like to apply for the 2025 intake, please fill out this application form.

Find out more about the application procedure and admission requirements.


If you are still searching for a sponsor, have a look at our section on available funding opportunities

Photo credit: Pxhere.com

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