What does this study entail?
This social sciences master track is part of the Master of Science in Public Administration of the Erasmus University Rotterdam. A unique asset of this urban studies track is the collaboration between the Department of Public Administration of Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences (ESSB) and the Institute of Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS).
Is this the right programme for you?
Cities are complex, challenging and fast-growing. They are major economic and development drivers that generate vast amounts of wealth and are home to more than half of the world’s population (estimated to be closer to 70% by 2050). Cities are at the heart of cultural, social and political transitions and innovations towards more sustainable and inclusive societies. They are key to finding solutions for answers to social, economic and environmental issues such as sustainability, poverty, inequality, housing, migration and urban growth in a just way. Sustainable and inclusive urban governance policies are crucial to securing global resilience to these issues and to secure the well-being of people who live inside and outside of cities.
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Cities require competent managers who are able to develop and implement innovative policies and strategies to tackle these issues. They need experts who can engage and empower local communities in urban governance and decision-making. Experts who are able to employ cross-jurisdiction solutions to land and environmental issues, who drive sustainable and inclusive development of cities and who oversee the development of international, public and non-profit organisations.
Within the governance of cities, governments do not act alone. They involve a variety of public, private and social actors with their own interests, resources and capacities. The MSc in Urban Governance offers insight into this new way of governing and seeks to equip students with expertise in public administration, political sciences, urban economy, sociology and urban planning. In this master you will learn how to analyse urban governance issues. Furthermore, you will develop specific skills and strategies for the management and design of urban governance processes that enable stakeholders to jointly deal with these issues in an effective and inclusive way.
Why choose this programme?
1. Get your MSc from a top 100 university. Benefit from the knowledge of two renowned partners; The Department of Public Administration was #4 in the 2023 Shanghai Academic Ranking of World Universities on Public Administration. IHS was honoured in 2007 with the UN-HABITAT Award for ‘leading the way as a global center of excellence and knowledge through its high-quality teaching programmes in urban management and planning’ and which has over 60 years of experience in educating and training local and national governments officials.
2. Learn from both leading scholars in the field and active urban policy advisers.
3. Join in our interactive urban governance labs where you will be trained to use your theoretical knowledge to solve real-life examples of urban governance issues.
4. Prepare for your career and network during your project work and field visits to local stakeholders such as the Port of Rotterdam, Housing Associations or the Municipality of Rotterdam.
5. Gain knowledge on current trends, topics, innovations and tools from various disciplines in the field of urban governance (such as the circular economy, place-making, co-production and self-organisation etc.)
6. Apply and develop your knowledge globally by learning from international case studies, staff and classmates.
7. Conducting your own research (thesis) using social scientific research methods.
8. Take the unique opportunity to conduct your thesis abroad within our partner network.
9. Exchange opportunities at our partner institutions – leading universities across Europe.
#4 worldwide for Public Administration in 2022
Shanghai rankings
#5 worldwide for Planning and Development
Center for University Ranking (CWUR)
Students collaborating with the municipality of Alkmaar
The municipality of Alkmaar regularly collaborates with universities and colleges for knowledge exchange. The Alkmaar Canal programme has started a joint track together with students from the Urban Governance of Inclusive Sustainable Cities master programme.
Students think along for the Alkmaar Canal Programme

Alkmaar Canal Programme: Findings