Ore Fika
Ore Fika is an urban land & housing development specialist working to obtain her doctoral degree. Her areas of expertise include land tenure systems, community land trust, spatial development for green cities, resettlement & sustainable urbanism. Before joining IHS, she worked as an architect in Nigeria.

Dr Maartje van Eerd
Maartje van Eerd is a Human Geographer by profession with extensive experience as a researcher, trainer and advisor on housing and social development issues. She has extensively researched resettlement projects, forced evictions, acquisition, expropriation and compensation. Apart from her teaching experience, she is the author and editor of several project proposals.

Dr Alonso Ayala
Alonso Ayala is an architect and development planner with 15+ years of experience specialising in the fields of regional development planning, human settlement planning and urban and housing research. He has researched informal urban processes in Venezuela, Bangladesh and the Philippines.

Carolina Lunetta
Carolina has seven years of working experience in urban management and architecture projects in the public and private sectors. Her main areas of interest focus on urban planning, urban development, informal land markets and gender. At IHS, she participates in advisory, research projects and also supports the educational activities within the Master’s course.

Bahar Sakizlioglu
Bahar is an urban sociologist passionate about the everyday (re)making of the cities. Her main research interests are gentrification, displacement, housing, feminist urban studies, social reproduction and the city and comparative urbanism. She has published papers on the politics of gentrification and displacement experiences of disadvantaged groups in gentrifying neighbourhoods and on the gender-gentrification nexus.
Together with its partners IHS works at the forefront of urban development. IHS advises local and national governments on urban issues, trains public works officials, contributes to the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) discussion and much more. IHS works with global leaders in the field of urban development, including UN-Habitat, Cities Alliance and ICLEI. IHS also partners with leading Dutch universities in the Netherlands and around the world to deliver a comprehensive understanding of urban development. This comprehensive network allows us to arrange for inspiring guest lectures both from academic colleagues as well as professionals working in key organisations. Guest lecturers for this specialisation track include: