Journals on urban development

Below is a list of some of the main urban journals which publish articles on cities and urban development in the Global South. Most of these are among the 50 journals that are covered in the in the IHS library’s Articles databaseOpens external that consists of nearly 80,000 articles. In recent years a link to the Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) is provided, and when connected to the EUR network, you can go directly to the article in question.

  1. CitiesOpens external
  2. Environment and Planning - Part C: Politics and SpaceOpens external
  3. Environment and UrbanizationOpens external
  4. Habitat InternationalOpens external
  5. Housing StudiesOpens external
  6. International Development Planning ReviewOpens external
  7. Journal of Housing and the Built EnvironmentOpens external
  8. Local EnvironmentOpens external
  9. Urban StudiesOpens external

photo by Ji Ying on Unsplash