Linking to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

SDG11 icon

This section aims to put SDG 11 into the context of the wider 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It includes a number of documents aiming to provide general guidance on working towards the implementation of the SDGs as a whole.

Rieiro-García, Manuel; Aibar-Guzmán, Cristina and Aibar-Guzmán, Beatriz (2023). The 2030 Agenda in local entities : Does gender matter in reporting on the Sustainable Development Goals? Cities, 141, 1044461,
Chen, Mingxing; Chen, Liangkan; Cheng, Jiafan and Yu, Jianhui (2022) Identifying interlinkages between urbanization and Sustainable Development Goals. Geography and Sustainability, 3(4) 339-346,
Africa SDG index and dashboards report 2018 [The Sustainable Development Goals Center for Africa and Sustainable Development Solutions Network]
Espey, Jessica; Dahmm, Hayden and Manderino, Laurie (2018) Leaving no U.S. city behind : the U.S. cities Sustainable Development Goals Index [Issue 2018]
European Union (2018) Sustainable development in the European Union : monitoring report on the progress towards the SDGs in an EU context : 2018 edition [Eurostat] [See pages 199-215 on SDG 11]
Major, David C.; Lehmann, Martin and Fitton, James (2018) Linking the management of climate change adaptation in small coastal towns and cities to the Sustainable Development Goals, Ocean & Coastal Management, Vol. 163, pp. 205-208,
Mayor’s Office for International Affairs (2018) Global vision : urban action : voluntary local review : New York City’s implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, New York, Mayor's office for International Affairs [Includes a review of priority goals for SDG 11 (see pp. 36-54 and a statistical appendix (pp 80-99) that includes the Targets, Indicator names, description and source)]
U4SSC (2017) Connecting cities and communities with the Sustainable Development Goals, Geneva, United for Smart Sustainable Cities
UN/ADB/UNDP (2017) Asia-Pacific Sustainable Development Goals outlook, Bangkok, United Nations,
Kindornay, Shannon and Twigg (2015) Establishing a workable follow-up and review process for the Sustainable Development Goals (ODI report ; April 2015), London, Overseas Development Institute (ODI)
Scott, Andrew and Lucci, Paula with Berliner, Tom (2015) Mind the gap? : a comparison of international and national targets for the SDG agenda (ODI report ; June 2015), London, Overseas Development Institute (ODI)
United Nations (2015) Transforming our world : the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, New York, United Nations


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