Carolina Lunetta

Carolina Lunetta

Urban Planning and Gender Specialist

Carolina Lunetta is an urban planning and gender specialist. Her professional experience lies at the intersection of urban planning, housing, and gender. Carolina contributes to education, research projects, and professional training at IHS. She has designed and implemented professional and educational training in Colombia, Suriname, Kosovo and Nepal and conducted research on land markets in Mozambique, Uganda and Somaliland. Carolina teaches in the Urban Management and Development, and Urban Governance of Inclusive Sustainable Cities master’s programmes. 

Carolina has over 15 years of experience in urban planning and architecture in the public and private sectors. Before joining IHS, she worked for the German cooperation agency as an urban planning consultant in Cambodia. In Brazil, she worked as a government consultant, contributing to the development of social housing plans for municipalities and metropolitan regions.

Carolina holds a master’s degree in Urban Management from Technical University Berlin and a bachelor's degree in Architecture and Urbanism from Universidade Mackenzie São Paulo and is pursuing her PhD. Her research focuses on the empowerment trajectories of women members of housing movements in São Paulo.

Clark, M., Jachnow, A., Keunen, E., Lunetta, C., Marx, C., Nyamai, D. N., Rabé, P, and Walls, M. (2020). Complex land markets in Uganda and Somaliland : overarching synthesis report. Rotterdam: Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS).

Jachnow, A., Keunen, E., Lunnetta, C., Mazzolini, A. and Brilhante, O. (2017). Urbanization in Mozambique : assessing actors, processes, and impact of urban growth (Research monograph). Brussels: Cities Alliance.

Keunen, E. and Lunetta, C. (2017). Analysing urban growth in Mozambican cities : the influencing factors of urban expansion and their impacts. Trialog, 1/2017 (128, December 2017), 10-16.

Lunetta, C., Jachnow, A. and Teschner, K. (2017). Trialog no. 128 (Special issue : Urban transitions in Africa). Frankfurt / Main: Verein zur Erforschung des Planens und Bauens in Entwicklungsländern.

Lunetta, C. (2015). Remoção Branca as state-led gentrification in the southern zone favelas of Rio de Janeiro, paper presented in the RC21 Conference, Urbino, 27-29 August.

Lunetta, C. and Ollertz Silva, A. S. (2014). Land issues in post disaster management : the response of the national and local governments towards land tenure and property rights for the displaced population. In R. D'Alençon and F. Rota (Eds.) Heritage and catastrophes : prevention, emergency, restoration and transformation in 2009 L’ Aquila earthquake, (pp. 73-86). Berlin: Technische Universität Berlin.

Rubano, L. M., Fehr L., Recamán L. A., Ollertz, A. S., Lunetta, C., Moreira, F. and Venzon, J. (2012). Habitação coletiva : reconfigurando a quadra do Carmo, São Paulo, PARC Pesquisa em Arquitetura e Construção, 3(1), 72-80.

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