Dr Alonso Ayala
Senior Expert in Housing and Human Settlement Planning
- Email address
- a.ayala@ihs.nl
- Phone
- +31 10 408 9861
Alonso Ayala is an architect and development planner specializing in regional development planning, human settlement planning, urban and housing research in emerging economies, and academic and professional capacity building. He obtained his PhD at the Faculty of Spatial Planning of TU Dortmund University, entitled Urban Upgrading Intervention and Barrio Integration in Caracas, Venezuela. He has over fifteen years of working experience. He has conducted field research on informal urban processes in Venezuela, Bangladesh and the Philippines. His specific fields of expertise are manager of housing projects, planner of human settlements, researcher of housing and urban development in the developing world, lecturer of human settlement planning and housing in developing countries, facilitator of urban and regional planning workshops and trainer of trainers and institutional capacity building.
Before starting his academic career in Germany, he was involved in Venezuela in architectural design and construction management of various housing projects of different scales (1993-2000). Upon completion of his Masters' studies in Regional Development Planning (2000-2002), he was invited by the management of the SPRING International Master Programme to the TU University of Dortmund, Germany, to pursue his PhD and also work at the Department of Spatial Planning in Developing Countries (2003-2008). The work involved various responsibilities, including lecturing on various topics, conducting action-oriented workshops, institutional capacity building and curriculum development.
Czischke, D. and Ayala, A. (2021). Housing in the global north and the global south. In A. M.Orum, J. Ruiz-Tagle and S. V. Haddock (Eds.) Companion to urban and regional studies (pp. 579-604). Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119316916.ch27 |
Ayala, A., Bosco, S. D., Eerd, M. van and Velayutham, C. (2020). Housing aspirations of resettled communities through a gender lens : an analysis of drawings by women from Perumbakkam in Chennai, India. Shelter, 21(2), 66-76. |
Ayala, A. (2019). Informal housing in Venezuela. In: V. Bharne and S. Khandekar (Eds.) (2019). Affordable housing, inclusive cities (pp. 151-156). Navato: ORO Editions. |
Ayala, A. (2019). Urban blueprint : Venezuula : informal housing. My Liveable City, (Jan-Mar), 40-45. |
Ayala, A., Eerd, M. van and Geurts, E. (2019). Affordable, available, accessible and acceptable housing in African new towns. In: R. Keeton and M. Provoost (Eds.) (2019). To build a city in Africa : a history and a manual (pp. 410-418). Rotterdam: nai010 publishers. |
Ayala, A., Eerd, M. van and Geurts, E. (2019). The five principles of adequate housing. In: V. Bharne and S. Khandekar (Eds.) (2019). Affordable housing, inclusive cities (pp. 94-99). Navato: ORO Editions. |
Ayala, A. and Geurts, E. (2018). [Opinon] confronting informality. In: R. Rocco (Ed.), (2018). Confronting informality : preserving communities and creating public goods in informal settlements : report (pp. 57-58). Delft: Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Department of Urbanism. |
Ayala, A., Rabé, P. and Geurts, E. (2013). [February 2014] Best Practices for Roma integration : regional report on housing legalization, settlement upgrading and social housing for Roma in the Western Balkans. Warsaw: OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR). |
Ayala, A. (2011). The relational universe of Ayigya. In: The transformation of the urban structure of Kumasi : Studio Ghana 2010-2011 (10 architectural and urban proposals for the city of Kumasi) (pp. 40-41). Delft: Publikatieburo Bouwkunde ,TU Delft. |
Ayala, A., Geurts, E. and Ahmad P. [et al.], (2010). Urbanising Africa : the city centre : experiences with inner-city revitalization from Johannesburg (South Africa), Mbabane (Swaziland), Lusaka (Zambia), Harare and Bulawayo (Zimbabwe). (IHS working papers series, no. 26). Rotterdam: Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS). |
Ayala, A. (2009). The integration paths of the Barrios of Caracas, In A Hill and K Weiß (Eds.) Spatial planning with obstacles : 40 years of spatial planning in crisis regions and developing countries, (Dortmunder beiträge zur raumplanung : blue series, no. 133) (pp. 105-122). Dortmund: Institute of Spatial Planning (IRPUD). |
Ayala, A. (2009). Community organisations, misiones and integration of barrios of Caracas : the Case of the CAMEBA Upgrading Project (IHS working papers series, no. 21). Rotterdam: Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS). |